Welcome to Can You Etch It, the web’s first laser engraving series that specializes in laser engraving strange, unique, and even common items. Today I’ll create a bookmark.
Reading is a great way to learn. It’s said that the person you will be in five years will depend on two things: who you meet and the books you read. Some people enjoy fiction but for me, reading is a great way to learn. Imagine learning from the best teachers, not just in your town, but in the world. Well, let’s not stop there; imagine learning from the best teachers throughout history.
Having the best teachers does no good if you don’t apply the knowledge you learn. It’s hard to keep all that knowledge rolling around in your head so notes play a vital role in learning. This project helps me take notes by providing a place to store the flags used in my system. You can read more about how I read a book in this article.
Why laser engrave a bookmark?
Having the right tool for the job is vital for efficiency. It also helps if we like our tools and have a sense of pride in them. Sure, any scrap of paper can serve as a bookmark but is that the best solution? Probably not but sometimes, you just have to make due. Version 1 of my bookmark was made from card stock and packing tape. Today’s project is version 2.
For the design, I choose to include the Book Worm Laser & Design logo (naturally) and some of the books I have read recently. Those books include:
- The Personal MBA
- The Art of Non-Conformity
- Being Wrong
- Switch
- Drive
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
- The War of Art
- The Power of Habit
- Smarter, Faster, Cheaper
- Creativity
- Linchpin
- 48 Days to the Work You Love
- The Art of Possibility
- A Book of Five Rings
- The Power of Less
All are great books. Most are focused on business and productivity and all have improved my life in some way. Click on the links to learn about one takeaway idea that I learned and applied.
Here is the video showing the bookmark being engraved and cut. The design took about 7 minutes so it’s playing much faster than it actually engraved. At the end of the video you can final result along with a picture of the bookmark in use. For a better look at the pictures, check out the end of the post.
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Can You Etch It Roundup
For those of you who are keeping score, here’s the list so far: a bookmark, nesting boxes, woodworking templates, manhole cover coaster, armadillo notepad, wooden postcard, a mat board picture frame, a mat board ruler, a hammer award, mini clip boards, an anodized aluminum ruler, hair bow, a couple of American Flags, a gift card holder, plastic labels, South Dakota frig magnet, a few failed light switch plates, a taco shell, Mount Rushmore coasters, house numbers, a cutting board, 6 social media icons, a mirror, a hand-drawn robot design, a CD jewel case, a pair of drum sticks, a luggage tag, a fishing reel, a couple of impact sockets, a drinking glass, a little industrial labeling, a baseball, a Frappuccino bottle, a tennis ball, 12 Scrabble tiles, a custom ink stamp, Thank You cards, M&M’s, a slice of bread, a clothes pin, a cinnamon stick, a sweet potato, a walnut, and a toothpick.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for future installments. Have a great weekend.
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